Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun Study Guide for Act Three

A Raisin in the Sun Study Guide for Act Three This plot summary and study guide for Lorraine Hansberrys play, A Raisin in the Sun, provides an overview of Act Three. To learn more about the previous scenes, check out the following articles: A Raisin in the Sun: Act One, Scene OneA Raisin in the Sun: Act One, Scene TwoA Raisin in the Sun: Act Two, Scene OneA Raisin in the Sun: Act Two, Scene TwoA Raisin in the Sun: Act Two, Scene Three The third act of A Raisin in the Sun is a single scene. It takes place an hour after the events of Act Two (when $6500 was swindled from Walter Lee). In the stage directions, playwright Lorraine Hansberry describes the light of the living room as gray and gloomy, just as it was at the beginning of Act One. This dismal lighting represents the feeling of hopelessness, as though the future promises nothing. Joseph Asagais Proposal Joseph Asagai pays a spontaneous visit to the household, offering to help the family pack. Beneatha explains that Walter Lee lost her money for medical school. Then, she recounts a childhood memory about a neighbor boy who injured himself severely. When the doctors fixed his face and broken bones, young Beneatha realized she wanted to become a doctor. Now, she thinks that she has stopped caring enough to join the medical profession. Joseph and Beneatha then launch into an intellectual discussion about idealists and realists. Joseph sides with idealism. He is dedicated to improving life in Nigeria, his homeland. He even invites Beneatha to return home with him, as his wife. She is both bewildered and flattered by the offer. Joseph leaves her to think about the idea. Walters New Plan During his sisters conversation with Joseph Asagai, Walter has been listening intently from the other room. After Joseph leaves, Walter enters the living room and finds the business card of Mr. Karl Lindner, the chairman of the so-called welcoming committee of Clybourne Park, a neighborhood with white residents who are willing to pay a large amount of money to prevent black families from moving into the community. Walter leaves to contact Mr. Lindner. Mama enters and starts to unpack. (Because Walter lost the money, she no longer plans to move to the new house.) She remembers when as a child people would say that she always aimed too high. It seems she finally agrees with them. Ruth still wants to move. She is willing to go to work extreme hours in order to keep their new house in Clybourne Park. Walter returns and announces that he has made a call to the Man more specifically, he has asked Mr. Lindner back to their home to discuss a business arrangement. Walter plans to accept Lindners segregationist terms in order to make a profit. Walter has determined that humanity is divided into two groups: those who take and those who are tooken. From now on, Walter vows to be a taker. Walter Hits Rock Bottom Walter breaks down as he imagines putting on a pathetic show for Mr. Lindner. He pretends that he is speaking to Mr. Lindner, using a slave dialect to express how subservient he is in comparison to the white, property owner. Then, he goes into the bedroom, alone. Beneatha verbally disowns her brother. But Mama devoutly says that they must still love Walter, that a family member needs love the most when they have reached his lowest point. Little Travis runs in to announce the arrival of the moving men. At the same time, Mr. Lindner appears, carrying contracts to be signed. A Moment of Redemption Walter enters the living room, somber and ready to do business. His wife Ruth tells Travis to go downstairs because she does not want her son to see his father debase himself. However, Mama declares: MAMA: (Opening her eyes and looking into Walters.) No. Travis, you stay right here. And you make him understand what you doing, Walter Lee. You teach him good. Like Willy Harris taught you. You show where our five generations done come to. When Travis smiles up at his father, Walter Lee has a sudden change of heart. He explains to Mr. Lindner that his family members are plain but proud people. He tells of how his father worked for decades as a laborer, and that ultimately his father earned the right for his family to move into their new home in Clybourne Park. In short, Walter Lee transforms into the man his mother had prayed he would become. Realizing that the family is bent on moving into the neighborhood, Mr. Lindner shakes his head in dismay and leaves. Perhaps the most excited of all the family members, Ruth joyously shouts, Lets get the hell out of here! The moving men enter and begin to pack up the furniture. Beneatha and Walter exit as they argue about who would be a more suitable husband: the idealistic Joseph Asagai or the wealthy George Murchison. All of the family except Mama have left the apartment. She looks around one last time, picks up her plant, and leaves for a new home and a new life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What You Need to Know About Online Education

What You Need to Know About Online Education Exploring Online Education: Online education is often preferred by professionals, parents, and students who need a flexible school schedule. This article will help you understand the basics of online education, recognize its benefits and drawbacks, and choose an online education program that fits your needs. What is Online Education?: Online education is any type of learning that occurs through the internet. Online education is often called: distance learningdistance educationvirtual learningonline learninge-learningweb-based training Is Online Education Right for You?: Online education isn’t for everyone. People who are most successful with online education tend to be self-motivated, skilled with scheduling their time, and capable of meeting deadlines. Advanced reading and writing skills are often required to excel in text-heavy online education courses. See: Is Online Learning Right for You? Online Education Pros: Online education offers flexibility for people who have work or family responsibilities outside of school. Often, students enrolled in online education programs are able to work at their own pace, accelerating their studies if desired. Online education programs may also charge less than traditional programs. Online Education Cons: Students involved in online education often complain that they miss the direct, face-to-face interaction found on traditional campuses. Since coursework is generally self-directed, it is difficult for some online education students to stay engaged and complete their assignments on time. Types of Online Education Programs: When choosing an online education program, you’ll need to decide between synchronous courses and asynchronous courses. Students taking online education courses synchronously are required to log on to their courses at the same time as their professors and peers. Students taking online education courses asynchronously may log on to the course website whenever they choose and do not have to participate in discussions or lectures at the same time as their peers. Choosing an Online Education Program: After surveying your online education options, choose a school that fits your personal goals and learning style. The list of Online Education Program Profiles can help you make the right decision.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender - Essay Example This picture is not new to us as long as female representation is concerned. This kind of image building of women has been performed by our media. In contemporary society, media plays a very crucial role in shaping public opinions. With the advent of new media such as internet smart phones, media has now been constantly around us, drilling into our head with the messages, which sometimes are very damaging. The major target of media these days is the body of woman which is worst and perverse. The representation of women in media has always been stereotypical. They are always represented as sex objects. It is an opening dialogue from the documentary film Miss Representation, â€Å"There is no appreciation for women as intellectuals. It is all about the body and never about the brain...† If we peep into the history of English literature for example, many facts of gender issues appear in front of us. There was no place for women writers in literary circle. Bronte sisters published a volume of poetry by adopting male names such as Curre, Ellis and Action Bell. The one and only reason was to conceal their feminine identity. The social, intellectual and psychological suppression of Victorian women is portrayed by Alfred Tennyson in his poem â€Å"Lady of Shallot.† The contemporary society had a very biased attitude about the female writers. The society was not ready to accept that the women have intellectuality of being writer. Twentieth century witnessed the breakage of this bondage by rebellious feminists through their literary work. Many women writers carved a niche for themselves through their outstanding writing skills. The women have proved themselves, but still the society is not ready to accept their brains, their logical, analytical and intellectual capacity. When there is a question of choosing body or brain of the woman, it is always body which is preferred object. Right from video games or children’s cartoons, women are represented as inferior, always caught by the demons and then are rescued by a brave young gallant. In short the children grow up with the upbringing that women are always inferior sex and men have to protect them and impose authority on them. Miss Representation is the documentary, which throws light on how the image of the women is always spoiled by media. A UNESCO report describes the litany of common image of women in the media. Women are always sex object for media. â€Å"the glamorous sex kitten.† (World Savvy). Dietz (1998) made four possible female stereotypes, which were based on their appearance and their behaviour. 1. Female as a sex object 2. Females as victims 3. Females as heroic or action characters Dietz in his research found that 41% of women in video games were shown as a sex object, 21% were portrayed as victims or ‘damsel in distress’ and only 15% women were portrayed as heroes or action characters. The male dominated media is not ready to accept woman as wa rrior, saviour, and protector but they like to portray her either as a victim or sex object. This report is really benumbing. In India, there are vernacular daily soaps, where the women are shown as being victimized by the members of their in-laws house. They are either physically or mentally tortured by their husbands and family members. When asked producers and directors about it, they comment carelessly that we show whatever is the demand of the public. According to them the majority of viewers of these serials are women and